How to prepare Nursery bed or Seed bed ?

             To get the better result , the initiation should be the best .

     For the proper growth and development of plants , it is necessary  to plant them in a way that it can withdraw adequate amount of water and nutrients and for this it is necessary to prepare an ideal seed bed suitable for that plant .We can prepare three types of seed bed mainly depending upon the season .

1.       Raised Bed (Rainy Season)

2.       Sunken Bed (Winter Season)

3.       Flat Bed (Spring Season)

               Procedures of preparing seed bed are listed as under :

v  First of all the seed bed site is cleaned and made free from weeds .
v  The place is dug or ploughed . Raised bed is to be prepared by keeping the soil layer raised above to the height of 10-15 cm . Finally , slope is made at the both ends so that erosion of soil is prevented . The seed bed is made smooth in order to prevent splash effect .
v  While preparing sunken bed , the site is ploughed and 20-25 cm of soil is drawn out and  soil is kept separately . Finally a thrice of top soil layer is spread on it so that the crop can easily be planted .
v  Sunken bed is also made slopy at both ends in order to drain water from nearly to the bed .
v  Flat seed bed preparation don’t need any technique . The normal and regular region of tilted soil can be used as flat seed bed . 
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Fig: Flat seedbed, Raised seedbed and Sunken seedbed